Canada Accessibility Plan

Canada Accessibility Progress Report 2023-24


Bank of America Canada (BofA) is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessible Canada Act.

The Accessible Canada Act is a Federal Act with the purpose of identifying, removing, and preventing accessibility barriers in built environments, employment, information and communication technologies, procurement of goods and services, delivering programs and services and transportation. Pursuant to this legislation and the Accessible Canada Regulations, SOR/2021-241 (the “Regulations”), federally regulated entities have a duty to put into place accessibility plans, feedback tools and progress reports.

A. Consultations

BofA will consult with individuals with disabilities to assist with determining barriers in the workplace and our accessibility plan, (including every updated version of our accessibility plan).

Steps Taken to Identify, Remove, and Prevent Barriers to Accessibility

The following is an outline of steps taken by BofA to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility.

BofA consulted with employees by asking questions about accessibility in one-on-one virtual and in-person meetings.

We asked our employees with disabilities whether they had experienced barriers, and if so, what those barriers were. We also asked our employees how we could improve accessibility for our employees and in general at BofA.

The theme that stood out the most was physical barriers specifically related to accommodations such as door automated swipe cards, larger monitors and specialized equipment.

BofA recognizes that there are opportunities to improve accessibility in our organization. We will continue to listen to people with disabilities to become more accessible and provide organization-wide disability sensitivity and accessibility training at BofA. This accessibility plan will guide BofA and keep us accountable as we work towards becoming an organization that is barrier free.

B. Addressing the areas identified in the Accessible Canada Act


BofA accommodates people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes and when people are hired as follows:

  • Recruitment, Assessment and Selection Process
    • BofA fosters an environment of respect and inclusivity in our recruitment process. Language is incorporated in each job posting to make applicants aware that accommodation is available upon request to assist with the recruitment and selection process. Talent Acquisition partners are educated on inclusive selection strategies and on how to implement and request support for accommodation related requests. When making offers of employment, BofA will notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities. If support is requested through the recruitment process, Human Resources Canada should be notified.  
  • Informing Employees of Supports
    • BofA will inform its employees of its policies, and any changes to its policies used to support employees with disabilities on an annual basis, taking into account various employee accessibility needs due to a disability. This information will be provided to new employees as soon as practicable after commencing employment.
  • Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees
    • Upon request of an employee with a disability, BofA will consult with the employee to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports for information that is needed to perform his/her job and information that is available to other employees.
  • Workplace Emergency Response Information
    • BofA is committed to providing employees with emergency information in an accessible way upon request. We will also provide employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when necessary. Where an employee requires assistance, BofA will, with consent of the employee, provide the individualized emergency response information to the person designated to provide assistance to the employee.
  • Documented Individual Accommodation Plans
    • BofA has a process in place for developing individual accommodation for employees that have identified themselves as needing accommodation due to a disability.
      • BofA will develop individualized accommodation plans for employees with disabilities, as the Bank is made aware.
      • BofA is committed to ensuring that such accommodation is made available to point of undue hardship.
      • We review all our accommodation policies and plans to ensure they are compliant with all applicable laws, including the Canada Accessibility Act..
      • BofA will implement and maintain measures effective to maintain the privacy of its employees with disabilities.
      • If an employee requires an accommodation due to a disability, please contact Human Resources Canada at
  • Return to Work Process
    • BofA has a documented process that details the process to request an accommodation as well responsibilities of each party (employee, manager, and third- party benefits partner).
    • BofA partners with a third-party benefits provider to deliver a proactive, high communication disability management program that facilitates individualized return to work plans.
  • Performance Management, Career Development & Redeployment
    • BofA takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and employees with individual accommodation plans when conducting performance reviews, providing career development and when redeploying employees.


BofA provides annual online training to all employees and contract staff on Canada’s accessibility laws and on the human rights legislation as it relates to people with disabilities. This training is provided to new employees as soon as practicable after the employee is assigned the applicable duties.

Training is provided on an ongoing basis in connection with any changes to the policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods or services to persons with disabilities.

Training includes the following:

  • A review of the purposes of the Accessible Canada A
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use assistive devices, service animals, or support persons.
  • How to use equipment or devices available on the premises or provided by the business that may help with the provision of goods or services to people with disabilities.
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing a particular good or service offered by the business.
  • The processes that businesses in Canada must follow to create, provide, and receive information and communications in a manner that is accessible to people with disabilities.

3.The Built Environment

BofA has offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal. Our offices are in spaces that we rent and have many accessibility features. These features include:

  • Universal washrooms with automatic doors.
  • Automatic doors throughout the buildings.
  • Many different places to sit and work or take a break.

As the environment continues to be built, we will work with Property Management and Facilities to ensure a barrier free and accessible workplace.

4.Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

BofA is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. We will continue to consult with individuals with disabilities to determine their specific information and communication needs.

a) Feedback

  • BofA will ensure that its processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities via providing multiple feedback processes including online, phone and printable formats upon request. Accommodation Services are available to respond to any inquiries related to accessible formats.
  • Current feedback processes allow for multiple communication channels such as email, telephone, or regular mail.
  • To submit feedback on the Canada Accessibility Plan, please reach out to Human Resources Canada at

b) Accessible Formats & Communication Supports

  • Accommodation Services are available to respond to any inquiries related to accessible formats. BofA will notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communications supports for persons with disabilities.

c) Accessible Websites and Web Content

  • BofA conducted an assessment of current web functionality to ensure compliance and adequate accessibility features. Both our internal intranet and external websites ( comply with the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines at Level AA requirements.
  • BofA ensures all publicly available information is made accessible upon request.

5.Communication, other than ICT

Web conferencing continues to be popular with employees and clients for connecting virtually, so we look for ways we can help ensure our tools for virtual meetings provide an inclusive environment for team collaboration. In April 2023, BofA added closed captioning for Webex and Zoom meetings on demand. The Bank will continue to look for ways to ensure communications are accessible for employees and clients.

6.Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities

BofA purchases goods and services from suppliers. Purchasing of goods and services occurs through the Bank’s internal online systems, complying with WCAG 2.1 Guidelines at Level AA requirements.

7.Design and Delivery of Programs and Services

This section is not applicable to Bank of America in Canada.


This section is not applicable to Bank of America in Canada.

C. General

If clients of BofA or members of the public have any questions or comments regarding this plan or the Bank’s compliance with the Accessible Canada Act, or their respective regulations, they can contact Canada Human Resources through the following:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 1.416.369.7400
  • Mail: Human Resources: 181 Bay Street, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5J 2V8